Content Library Overview
Your Captivate content library is the place where every file that you upload, either directly to the library in bulk or via an episode upload, lives.
To access it, simply click Content Library from the left-side navigation of your Captivate dashboard.
From here there are a number of things that you can do:
Using the drop down, you can choose to upload the following:
Episode audio - this is your normal mp3 file for your episodes.
Dynamic ad content - this is where you'll add content for use with AMIE.
Other files - here you can add images and PDFs for linking to on episodes.
After you've uploaded a file, you'll be able to see the name of the file, the date it was uploaded, what type of file it is, and if it's currently being used.

Unattached files can be used to create podcast episodes directly, as well as deleted (to keep your library uncluttered).
Files currently in use can't be deleted but you can edit the episode, replace the audio file and then delete the unwanted file.
Clicking on the small information icon to the right of each file will give you information about that file and a way to preview the contents, while clicking on the edit icon will let you edit that particular file.
Choose the relevant show from My Podcasts.
Click Content Library on the left side men.
Start typing the file name in the search bar.
This will then show you all the files with some of that text in the file name. You can then choose what you wish to do with that file.
Deleting a media file on Captivate is really simple and only takes a second. You might want to do this for an archived show or episode, or to remove a file you've replaced with a newer version.
_Note:_ once you have deleted the media file it is permanently removed and can not be retrieved.
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Choose the relevant show from My Podcasts.
Click Content Library on the left side menu of your Captivate dashboard.
Find the media file that you'd like to delete.
Click the trash can icon.
Confirm the deletion in the secondary pop-up.
And that's it - you're good to go! 😁
Recommended Reading
Managing and publishing your podcast help article collection
To access it, simply click Content Library from the left-side navigation of your Captivate dashboard.
From here there are a number of things that you can do:
Upload New Files
Using the drop down, you can choose to upload the following:
Episode audio - this is your normal mp3 file for your episodes.
Dynamic ad content - this is where you'll add content for use with AMIE.
Other files - here you can add images and PDFs for linking to on episodes.
After you've uploaded a file, you'll be able to see the name of the file, the date it was uploaded, what type of file it is, and if it's currently being used.

Unattached files can be used to create podcast episodes directly, as well as deleted (to keep your library uncluttered).
Files currently in use can't be deleted but you can edit the episode, replace the audio file and then delete the unwanted file.
Clicking on the small information icon to the right of each file will give you information about that file and a way to preview the contents, while clicking on the edit icon will let you edit that particular file.
To search for a file in your content library:
Choose the relevant show from My Podcasts.
Click Content Library on the left side men.
Start typing the file name in the search bar.
This will then show you all the files with some of that text in the file name. You can then choose what you wish to do with that file.
How Do I Delete Files From My Captivate Content Library?
Deleting a media file on Captivate is really simple and only takes a second. You might want to do this for an archived show or episode, or to remove a file you've replaced with a newer version.
_Note:_ once you have deleted the media file it is permanently removed and can not be retrieved.
To delete a media file:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Choose the relevant show from My Podcasts.
Click Content Library on the left side menu of your Captivate dashboard.
Find the media file that you'd like to delete.
Click the trash can icon.
Confirm the deletion in the secondary pop-up.
And that's it - you're good to go! 😁
Recommended Reading
Managing and publishing your podcast help article collection
Updated on: 29/10/2024
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