Articles on: Podcast Distribution

How to Add Your Show to Apple Podcasts with One Click Submission

Apple Podcasts is one of the largest podcast platforms around, with millions of listeners accessing it to listen to their favourite podcasts. With Captivate’s easy-to-use one click submission process, its super simple to get your show on Apple Podcasts - no Apple account needed!

Publish your first episode on Captivate
Click Distribute in the left hand menu
Choose from either Submit to All, or the specific Start Submission option for Apple Podcasts
If using the Submit to All option, select your country from the drop down option (this is for Amazon Music)
For Apple Podcasts, use the dropdown to choose the date and launch time for your show to go live on Apple Podcasts, and click “I agree, please submit”
If using the Start Submission option for Apple Podcasts, choose whether to “Make available now”, and your show will be on Apple podcasts within the hour, or “Make available when I choose”
Choose the date and launch time for your show to go live on Apple Podcasts, and click Submit Podcast

And that’s it - your podcast is now submitted and will be live on Apple Podcasts within the hour or your chosen launch date!

Note: the status of your submission will show as Pending on the Captivate distribution section until you add the link for your podcast on Apple to the Directory Links section - more info here .

Updated on: 18/03/2025

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