How to Create, Edit & Delete Show Notes Templates in Dynamic Show Notes Builder
You can create as many show notes Templates as you like for each of your podcasts and each of those templates will be available for you to use when you publish a new episode. You can also set one of your show notes Templates as the default Template for each of your podcasts. When you create a new episode, that Template will be already loaded into the publishing screen for you. Remember, show notes Templates aren’t dynamic: if you change a Template, it doesn’t change the text within the episodeFew readersHow to Create, Edit & Delete Blocks in Dynamic Show Notes Builder
Blocks are reusable pieces of text that you may want to use in several show notes Templates or when you’re adding show notes manually. Blocks can include free text and Shortcodes and are intended to be used to give you more flexibility when creating repeating areas of text. Blocks have replaced “snippets” and any previous snippets that you had have been transformed into “Blocks”. When Blocks are used in Show Notes Templates or elsewhere, they’re treated as placeholders for the “real” content tFew readersHow to Use Conditional Shortcodes
With Captivate’s awesome Conditional Shortcode feature, you can create time-saving rules for episode show notes that only take effect when a certain criteria is met. Not only does this make creating an episode even faster, but it also gives you the flexibility of determining when they should appear, and what they should say. Here’s how it works! What is a Conditional Shortcode? Simply put, this is a series of shortcodes that only appear under certain conditions (hence the name!). If thatFew readersPublishing a Podcast Episode that Uses a Show Notes Template
Few readersUnderstanding Dynamic Show Notes Builder Shortcodes & Custom Shortcodes
Shortcodes are single pieces of information that can be used manually in show notes or included in Blocks and templates. There are two types of Shortcodes: Captivate Shortcodes - pieces of data from Captivate, that Captivate makes automatically available to you in your show notes. Examples include your single promotional link, show & episode information such as copyright or episode link, each of your Captivate attribution links, guest information from your guest bookings (https://www.capFew readersUsing Dynamic Show Notes Builder with AMIE Dynamic Audio Content
AMIE, Captivate’s Audio Monetisation & Integration Engine, works in a very special, highly useful way with the dynamic podcast Show Notes Builder. When uploading your own dynamic content for use in your episode pre-roll, post-roll or mid-roll, you can also include a text title, some free text and associate one of your Captivate attribution links to the piece of audio so that, when you dynamically insert the audio using AMIE, Captivate automatically includes the label, text and measurable attribFew readers