How to add and manage podcast guests
Managing your podcast guests and information is nice and easy from your Captivate dashboard.

Here's how!
To add a podcast guest:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Click Guests from the left hand menu under the Guest Bookings section.
Click Add a Guest.
Complete the guest details.
When you have made all your changes click Create Guest.
To add or amend podcast guest details:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Click Guests from the left hand menu under the Guest Booking section.
Click the Edit Guest icon on the guest you want to update details for.
Amend or add additional guest details and then click Update Guest.
To delete a podcast guest:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Click Guests from the left hand menu under the Guest Booking section.
Click the Delete icon on the guest you want to delete.
A new window will display asking you to confirm you want to proceed, click Delete Guest.
_Note:_ You will be unable to delete a podcast guest if there is a booking associated with them.
Recommended Reading
How to add and edit your podcast guest booking availability

Here's how!
To add a podcast guest:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Click Guests from the left hand menu under the Guest Bookings section.
Click Add a Guest.
Complete the guest details.
When you have made all your changes click Create Guest.
To add or amend podcast guest details:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Click Guests from the left hand menu under the Guest Booking section.
Click the Edit Guest icon on the guest you want to update details for.
Amend or add additional guest details and then click Update Guest.
To delete a podcast guest:
Log in to your Captivate dashboard.
Click Guests from the left hand menu under the Guest Booking section.
Click the Delete icon on the guest you want to delete.
A new window will display asking you to confirm you want to proceed, click Delete Guest.
_Note:_ You will be unable to delete a podcast guest if there is a booking associated with them.
Recommended Reading
How to add and edit your podcast guest booking availability
Updated on: 29/10/2024
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