Articles on: Captivate Podcast Analytics

IAB Podcast Analytic Certification & Compliance Explained

As the podcast industry continues to develop and evolve, the one thing that we are dedicated to as a podcast hosting platform is of course, the accuracy of your podcast analytics.

We are passionate about getting closer to the people listening, not just the number of file downloads that your podcast receives and that’s why, Captivate, is proud to say that we are IAB Certified when it comes to the accuracy of your data.

What does that mean?

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is the body that sets the standard for download and listener behaviour on the web.

The IAB works with podcast hosting & analytics platforms like Captivate, to ensure that analytics are as accurate as possible and to make sure that every hosting platform “talks the same language” when it comes to podcast listener and download data.

Having the IAB certification seal means that you can be assured that your download analytics and unique listener counts meet the industry standards. Giving you a true reflection of the growth of your show via your analytics data.

So, at Captivate, we use a rolling 24-hour window for your reports via anonymized IP address locations for your listeners. This means that if your episode is listened to at 3.00pm, and then the same listener plays that episode again before 3.00pm the following day, it will still only be one listen if they’re listening on the same device, and at the same location, as before.

We’re also pleased to be able to work closely with the IAB Tech Lab and their steering groups to help to shape the future of podcast measurement and will bring to the table the inimitable Captivate approach and pragmatic view of podcasting as it is now, and as it may exist in the future.

Recommended reading: Podcast Analytics Overview.

Updated on: 29/10/2024

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