Podcast Network Level Analytics Overview
Captivate has been designed to give you the most powerful, advanced insights into your download numbers to measure the success of your podcasts, individually, and across your entire network!
To access your network podcast analytics, simply click Network Analytics in the left hand navigation menu of your Captivate dashboard.

So what analytics and metrics can you access? Let's dig in!
Listener Behaviour
Performance Comparison
Episode Downloads By Podcast
The Summary dashboard includes five sub-sections:
Unique Listeners data looks at a listener from the same IP address, and the same listening device (app, web player, etc), during the date range you have selected for your report.
We only count unique listeners once in that date range, even if they listen to an episode multiple times. So, if someone listened to an episode 15 times in a single date range, we'd only count that listen once.
This ensures 100% accurate stats, based on the industry standard guidelines set out by the IAB Tech Lab 👍
Your downloads overview gives you a quick snapshot of the most useful download statistics that you need at a glance across your entire podcast network:
Downloads today.
Downloads yesterday.
Downloads over the last rolling 7-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 28-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 90-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
All-time downloads.
Often, you'll want to know the average downloads the shows in your podcast network receive across certain timeframes.
This section shows you the average number of downloads that the ne podcast receives over the following periods:
Each day.
Each week.
Each 28-day period.
Each 90-day period.
_Note:_ if you use Captivate's cross feed promo drop option, the analytics for that episode will appear in the original podcast's analytics. So for example, if you drop episode 1 from podcast 'A' to Podcast 'B', and someone listens to episode 1 in Podcast 'B' via Apple Podcasts, etc. The download will be recorded in Podcast 'A' as it is the episode origin. Then will be displayed in network analytics.
This shows you how the podcasts in your network are performing compared to each other, and which one has the highest downloads in the last 7 days.
_Note:_ Click on an individual podcast to be taken through to that show's individual analytics dashboard.
This shows you the episode, on each of your podcasts, with the most downloads since publication date, which can help you with your content planning.
_Note:_ Click on an individual episode title to be taken through to that episodes individual podcast analytics page.
It's easy (and really fun) to obsess over details when looking at your podcast stats. But what about zooming out to see the bigger picture? Wouldn't it be so good to look back and see the results of your hard podcasting month by month?
You can now see how much all of your podcasts have developed over the past year with the Month to Month view!
This feature shows your podcast network's combined total downloads for all episodes month by month, allowing you to see a top-level view of your listeners' behaviour over the past year.
Here, you can easily identify spikes, troughs and trends and use them to kickstart deeper insights into your listeners' behaviour, top-performing episodes and marketing activity.
The Listener Behaviour section allows you to see the data for all your podcasts across three different areas:
Listened Using - how your podcasts were consumed
Listened On - which app, podcast player, or browser was used
Operating System - what technology was used
One of the things we all want to know as podcasters is how our podcasts are growing: which ones are growing the most, and which ones might need a little extra marketing.
Well, thanks to Performance Comparison, you can do just that! Simply click the Compare Podcasts dropdown box on the right hand side, and choose the podcasts you wish to compare.
This information can help guide your own show's format and what types of episodes to create, to really help you grow your podcast.
Just like Listener Behaviour, the Episode Overview allows you to choose a date range and analyze the number of downloads per episode within that date range. Coupling this data with the Performance Comparison can really help you see which podcasts are shining, and which episodes are driving that, and where you might need to spend more time marketing or re-promoting certain podcasts and episodes.
And that's it - now you can see which podcasts on your network are the most successful, and how to analyze the data to see how you can transfer that success to all your podcasts!
Recommended Reading
Analytics FAQ
To access your network podcast analytics, simply click Network Analytics in the left hand navigation menu of your Captivate dashboard.

So what analytics and metrics can you access? Let's dig in!
Listener Behaviour
Performance Comparison
Episode Downloads By Podcast
The Summary dashboard includes five sub-sections:
Unique Listeners Across Your Network
Unique Listeners data looks at a listener from the same IP address, and the same listening device (app, web player, etc), during the date range you have selected for your report.
We only count unique listeners once in that date range, even if they listen to an episode multiple times. So, if someone listened to an episode 15 times in a single date range, we'd only count that listen once.
This ensures 100% accurate stats, based on the industry standard guidelines set out by the IAB Tech Lab 👍
Downloads Overview
Your downloads overview gives you a quick snapshot of the most useful download statistics that you need at a glance across your entire podcast network:
Downloads today.
Downloads yesterday.
Downloads over the last rolling 7-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 28-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 90-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
All-time downloads.
Download Averages
Often, you'll want to know the average downloads the shows in your podcast network receive across certain timeframes.
This section shows you the average number of downloads that the ne podcast receives over the following periods:
Each day.
Each week.
Each 28-day period.
Each 90-day period.
_Note:_ if you use Captivate's cross feed promo drop option, the analytics for that episode will appear in the original podcast's analytics. So for example, if you drop episode 1 from podcast 'A' to Podcast 'B', and someone listens to episode 1 in Podcast 'B' via Apple Podcasts, etc. The download will be recorded in Podcast 'A' as it is the episode origin. Then will be displayed in network analytics.
Top Performing Podcasts
This shows you how the podcasts in your network are performing compared to each other, and which one has the highest downloads in the last 7 days.
_Note:_ Click on an individual podcast to be taken through to that show's individual analytics dashboard.
Top Performing Episodes
This shows you the episode, on each of your podcasts, with the most downloads since publication date, which can help you with your content planning.
_Note:_ Click on an individual episode title to be taken through to that episodes individual podcast analytics page.
Month to Month
It's easy (and really fun) to obsess over details when looking at your podcast stats. But what about zooming out to see the bigger picture? Wouldn't it be so good to look back and see the results of your hard podcasting month by month?
You can now see how much all of your podcasts have developed over the past year with the Month to Month view!
This feature shows your podcast network's combined total downloads for all episodes month by month, allowing you to see a top-level view of your listeners' behaviour over the past year.
Here, you can easily identify spikes, troughs and trends and use them to kickstart deeper insights into your listeners' behaviour, top-performing episodes and marketing activity.
Listener Behaviour
The Listener Behaviour section allows you to see the data for all your podcasts across three different areas:
Listened Using - how your podcasts were consumed
Listened On - which app, podcast player, or browser was used
Operating System - what technology was used
Performance Comparison
One of the things we all want to know as podcasters is how our podcasts are growing: which ones are growing the most, and which ones might need a little extra marketing.
Well, thanks to Performance Comparison, you can do just that! Simply click the Compare Podcasts dropdown box on the right hand side, and choose the podcasts you wish to compare.
This information can help guide your own show's format and what types of episodes to create, to really help you grow your podcast.
Episode Downloads by Podcast
Just like Listener Behaviour, the Episode Overview allows you to choose a date range and analyze the number of downloads per episode within that date range. Coupling this data with the Performance Comparison can really help you see which podcasts are shining, and which episodes are driving that, and where you might need to spend more time marketing or re-promoting certain podcasts and episodes.
And that's it - now you can see which podcasts on your network are the most successful, and how to analyze the data to see how you can transfer that success to all your podcasts!
Recommended Reading
Analytics FAQ
Updated on: 17/12/2024
Thank you!