How to set up a 301 redirect
What is a 301 redirect and why do you need it?
You can move as many podcasts as you like to from any podcast host in the world, including Buzzsprout, Transistor, Libsyn, Blubrry, Podbean, Simplecast, Anchor & more.
Right now, podcasts work by sending information from your podcast host, such as, to directories using something called an RSS feed.
All of the information that you add to your show is delivered to the directories via that RSS feed in real time. The directories then read that information and show your podcast details and episodes in their apps, for example. That is then how listeners access your show on their devices.
A 301 redirect is something that tells directories such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify that your feed has moved, and to "look" at a new RSS feed for your podcast instead.
By adding a 301 redirect to your old RSS feed with your old host, you're telling the directories: "Hey Apple Podcasts, I know you were looking over here for my show information and my new podcast episodes, but here's a heads up that from today, you need to look at this new place instead."
When moving to Captivate from another podcast host, your podcast will be set up here on Captivate using the same settings as your previous host. As part of the switch, your episodes will be migrated over to Captivate (we do all this for you!) and everything will be "as is" so that you can keep publishing as normal.
Attention! These bits are super important!
A 301 redirect should be used after your show has been imported to Captivate and once we have all of your episodes from your old podcast host. If you haven't already, import your show from your old host before you read on!
Your 301 redirect must be added by your old host after your show has been migrated to Captivate. Ideally, set up your redirect before you publish something to your show using Captivate.
We recommend that you keep your old podcast account active for at least three weeks following the redirect to ensure that your listings update with your new RSS feed. This is a standard recommendation across all hosting platforms.
How to set up a 301 redirect
Setting up a 301 redirect is very easy, quick and involves a couple of steps.
Once you're ready to add the 301 redirect, you'll first need to grab a copy of your new Captivate RSS feed from your Captivate dashboard:

Now you have a copy of your new Captivate RSS feed, it's time to head on over to your old host to request them to add a 301 redirect to your old feed. We've created steps for all the popular hosting companies for your reference:
From within your Acast account:
At the bottom right of the screen, click the little chat icon.
When the chat box opens, click the Send us a message link.
In the chat box, enter the email address you use for Acast and then a simple message that you would like your Acast feed to redirect to your Captivate RSS feed.
Paste your Captivate RSS feed into the message box, and then click the Send arrow.
Alternatively, you can email Acast directly and request a 301 redirect of your Acast feed to your new Captivate RSS feed.
Contact the Blog Talk Radio support team.
Advise them you need a 301 redirect on your RSS feed - use the Subject line in the Contact Form on the Support page.
You will need to provide them with your Blog Talk Radio URL or Host ID.
Paste your Captivate RSS feed into the form, and submit your request.
Within your WordPress dashboard, install and activate the Redirection plugin.
Click through the intro screens (simply click the blue next buttons until done)
Enter your current RSS feed into the Source URL box. Note: you only need the feed address that comes after your domain name - you do not need to enter http:// or https:// or your full domain name in this box.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed into the Target URL box.
Click Add Redirect to update your settings, and then test the redirect is in place using the Google Chrome browser.
For a manual 301 redirect: If you prefer to do a manual 301 redirect, you need to be comfortable with editing WordPress root folders and files. Depending on the type of access you have to your WordPress installation, enabling a manual 301 redirect requires the creation or editing of an .htaccess file. For the full steps required for this type of 301 redirect, check out this Blubrry article.
Within your Buzzsprout account, go to My Profile and click on the Cancel/Redirect Podcast tab.
Select the center option to Redirect Your Podcast Feed.
From there you will be taken to an information page with the full process of placing your 301 redirect.
Want some more information? Check out this Buzzsprout article.
Log in to your Feedburner account and next to the show you wish to redirect, click Configure Proxy.
Paste your Captivate RSS feed into the Original Feed box, and ensure your Feedburner RSS feed is visible in the Custom Feed URL box.
Make sure the Proxy Title box has the name of your podcast in there.
Before saving the changes, make sure you have a copy of your Feedburner RSS feed handy, to test the redirect on the next step.
Click Save Changes.
Now, next to the podcast title, click the three little dots to the right of the Configure Proxy button.
Click Deactivate.
A pop-up message will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to deactivate this proxy, and that it will be redirected to your source feed (this is your Captivate RSS feed). Click Confirm.
The name of your podcast should now be greyed out, and a little message displayed advising that “this feed is redirecting to your source feed”.
Paste your old Feedburner RSS feed into a browser tab - if redirected properly, your new Captivate RSS feed should open instead_._

Within your Libsyn account, go to Settings on your main menu and click on the Redirects tab.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed into the _Feed Redirect URL box_*.**
Click Save to update your settings, and then click Yes when you see the Confirmation box to finalize your changes.
Want some more information? Check out this Libsyn article.
Within your Podbean account, go to your Podbean dashboard and click on Settings then _Feed_ and then _Advanced Feed Settings._
Add your Captivate RSS feed to the _Redirect to a New Feed_ field*.**
Click Update Options to save your changes.
Want some more information? Check out this Podbean article.
Log in to your Simplecast dashboard, and select Show Distribution from the drop-down menu in the upper left.
Scroll down to the bottom to Advanced Settings, and click to open.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed into the RSS Feed Redirect box.
Click Save to update your settings.
Want some more information? Check out this Simplecast article.
Within your SoundCloud account, go to your Content Settings page.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed in the Subscriber redirect field.
Save your changes.
Want some more information? Check out this SoundCloud article.
Open your Sounder dashboard
From the Manage tab, click the Feed Redirect button at the top of the page
Scroll down to the Feed Redirect box and past your Captivate RSS feed there
Click Save.
Log in to your Spotify for Podcasters account on the web, and click the Settings tab at the top right.
Click Update settings.
Scroll down to Leaving Spotify for Podcasters, and paste your Captivate RSS feed into the Redirect URL box.
Click Redirect.
Log in to your Spreaker account.
Select Dashboard from the profile dropdown in the top right of the navigation bar.
Select the show you have imported to Captivate and choose RSS Customization.
Select Redirect Feed and paste your Captivate RSS feed into the New Feed URL box.
Click Save.
Within your Transistor account, select the show you'd like to redirect.
Select Show Settings, and scroll down to Advanced Settings.
Click the dropdown arrow, and paste your Captivate feed into the Permanent Redirect (301). of _Your RSS Feed to Another URL_ box.
Click Save Changes.
Recommended Reading
How to upload and publish your podcast episodes on Captivate
You can move as many podcasts as you like to from any podcast host in the world, including Buzzsprout, Transistor, Libsyn, Blubrry, Podbean, Simplecast, Anchor & more.
Right now, podcasts work by sending information from your podcast host, such as, to directories using something called an RSS feed.
All of the information that you add to your show is delivered to the directories via that RSS feed in real time. The directories then read that information and show your podcast details and episodes in their apps, for example. That is then how listeners access your show on their devices.
A 301 redirect is something that tells directories such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify that your feed has moved, and to "look" at a new RSS feed for your podcast instead.
By adding a 301 redirect to your old RSS feed with your old host, you're telling the directories: "Hey Apple Podcasts, I know you were looking over here for my show information and my new podcast episodes, but here's a heads up that from today, you need to look at this new place instead."
When moving to Captivate from another podcast host, your podcast will be set up here on Captivate using the same settings as your previous host. As part of the switch, your episodes will be migrated over to Captivate (we do all this for you!) and everything will be "as is" so that you can keep publishing as normal.
Attention! These bits are super important!
A 301 redirect should be used after your show has been imported to Captivate and once we have all of your episodes from your old podcast host. If you haven't already, import your show from your old host before you read on!
Your 301 redirect must be added by your old host after your show has been migrated to Captivate. Ideally, set up your redirect before you publish something to your show using Captivate.
We recommend that you keep your old podcast account active for at least three weeks following the redirect to ensure that your listings update with your new RSS feed. This is a standard recommendation across all hosting platforms.
How to set up a 301 redirect
Setting up a 301 redirect is very easy, quick and involves a couple of steps.
Once you're ready to add the 301 redirect, you'll first need to grab a copy of your new Captivate RSS feed from your Captivate dashboard:

Now you have a copy of your new Captivate RSS feed, it's time to head on over to your old host to request them to add a 301 redirect to your old feed. We've created steps for all the popular hosting companies for your reference:
Blog Talk Radio
Spotify for Podcasters
From within your Acast account:
At the bottom right of the screen, click the little chat icon.
When the chat box opens, click the Send us a message link.
In the chat box, enter the email address you use for Acast and then a simple message that you would like your Acast feed to redirect to your Captivate RSS feed.
Paste your Captivate RSS feed into the message box, and then click the Send arrow.
Alternatively, you can email Acast directly and request a 301 redirect of your Acast feed to your new Captivate RSS feed.
Blog Talk Radio
Contact the Blog Talk Radio support team.
Advise them you need a 301 redirect on your RSS feed - use the Subject line in the Contact Form on the Support page.
You will need to provide them with your Blog Talk Radio URL or Host ID.
Paste your Captivate RSS feed into the form, and submit your request.
Within your WordPress dashboard, install and activate the Redirection plugin.
Click through the intro screens (simply click the blue next buttons until done)
Enter your current RSS feed into the Source URL box. Note: you only need the feed address that comes after your domain name - you do not need to enter http:// or https:// or your full domain name in this box.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed into the Target URL box.
Click Add Redirect to update your settings, and then test the redirect is in place using the Google Chrome browser.
For a manual 301 redirect: If you prefer to do a manual 301 redirect, you need to be comfortable with editing WordPress root folders and files. Depending on the type of access you have to your WordPress installation, enabling a manual 301 redirect requires the creation or editing of an .htaccess file. For the full steps required for this type of 301 redirect, check out this Blubrry article.
Within your Buzzsprout account, go to My Profile and click on the Cancel/Redirect Podcast tab.
Select the center option to Redirect Your Podcast Feed.
From there you will be taken to an information page with the full process of placing your 301 redirect.
Want some more information? Check out this Buzzsprout article.
Log in to your Feedburner account and next to the show you wish to redirect, click Configure Proxy.
Paste your Captivate RSS feed into the Original Feed box, and ensure your Feedburner RSS feed is visible in the Custom Feed URL box.
Make sure the Proxy Title box has the name of your podcast in there.
Before saving the changes, make sure you have a copy of your Feedburner RSS feed handy, to test the redirect on the next step.
Click Save Changes.
Now, next to the podcast title, click the three little dots to the right of the Configure Proxy button.
Click Deactivate.
A pop-up message will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to deactivate this proxy, and that it will be redirected to your source feed (this is your Captivate RSS feed). Click Confirm.
The name of your podcast should now be greyed out, and a little message displayed advising that “this feed is redirecting to your source feed”.
Paste your old Feedburner RSS feed into a browser tab - if redirected properly, your new Captivate RSS feed should open instead_._

Within your Libsyn account, go to Settings on your main menu and click on the Redirects tab.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed into the _Feed Redirect URL box_*.**
Click Save to update your settings, and then click Yes when you see the Confirmation box to finalize your changes.
Want some more information? Check out this Libsyn article.
Within your Podbean account, go to your Podbean dashboard and click on Settings then _Feed_ and then _Advanced Feed Settings._
Add your Captivate RSS feed to the _Redirect to a New Feed_ field*.**
Click Update Options to save your changes.
Want some more information? Check out this Podbean article.
Log in to your Simplecast dashboard, and select Show Distribution from the drop-down menu in the upper left.
Scroll down to the bottom to Advanced Settings, and click to open.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed into the RSS Feed Redirect box.
Click Save to update your settings.
Want some more information? Check out this Simplecast article.
Within your SoundCloud account, go to your Content Settings page.
Enter the Captivate RSS feed in the Subscriber redirect field.
Save your changes.
Want some more information? Check out this SoundCloud article.
Open your Sounder dashboard
From the Manage tab, click the Feed Redirect button at the top of the page
Scroll down to the Feed Redirect box and past your Captivate RSS feed there
Click Save.
Spotify for Podcasters
Log in to your Spotify for Podcasters account on the web, and click the Settings tab at the top right.
Click Update settings.
Scroll down to Leaving Spotify for Podcasters, and paste your Captivate RSS feed into the Redirect URL box.
Click Redirect.
Log in to your Spreaker account.
Select Dashboard from the profile dropdown in the top right of the navigation bar.
Select the show you have imported to Captivate and choose RSS Customization.
Select Redirect Feed and paste your Captivate RSS feed into the New Feed URL box.
Click Save.
Within your Transistor account, select the show you'd like to redirect.
Select Show Settings, and scroll down to Advanced Settings.
Click the dropdown arrow, and paste your Captivate feed into the Permanent Redirect (301). of _Your RSS Feed to Another URL_ box.
Click Save Changes.
Recommended Reading
How to upload and publish your podcast episodes on Captivate
Updated on: 17/12/2024
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