How to Set Up Your Public Supporters Page for Tips and Memberships
Captivate has made it super simple for your podcast followers to support you, with the option of creating and sharing a public support page.

Here’s how to set that up!
Log in to Captivate
On the left hand navigation menu, click Settings in the Monetization section
This brings you to the Monetization Settings page, where there are three options:
Public settings
Tips Settings
Membership Settings
For your public supporter page, you want to be working in the Public Settings tab (you’ll then set up the Tips and Membership options after). So what options are available to you?
Here you can create custom message that welcomes them to your supporters page - something nice and friendly for the visitor.
This is where you can expand on your offering, and what supporters can expect. We’ve even given you a video message section, where you can share a YouTube of a personal video message to make the page even more welcoming. This video will embed and play back on your supporter landing page.
Similar to the Welcome Your Fans message, this allows you to display a personalized thank you message once someone’s supported you. Once payment is complete, they’ll be redirected to this page where you can either have a written thank you message, or a YouTube video message.

Once done, click the Save Changes button, and you’re good to go!
Recommended reading:
Setting up your Tips
Setting up your Membership

Here’s how to set that up!
Log in to Captivate
On the left hand navigation menu, click Settings in the Monetization section
This brings you to the Monetization Settings page, where there are three options:
Public settings
Tips Settings
Membership Settings
For your public supporter page, you want to be working in the Public Settings tab (you’ll then set up the Tips and Membership options after). So what options are available to you?
Welcome Your Fans
Here you can create custom message that welcomes them to your supporters page - something nice and friendly for the visitor.
Your Personal Message
This is where you can expand on your offering, and what supporters can expect. We’ve even given you a video message section, where you can share a YouTube of a personal video message to make the page even more welcoming. This video will embed and play back on your supporter landing page.
Thank You Message
Similar to the Welcome Your Fans message, this allows you to display a personalized thank you message once someone’s supported you. Once payment is complete, they’ll be redirected to this page where you can either have a written thank you message, or a YouTube video message.

Once done, click the Save Changes button, and you’re good to go!
Recommended reading:
Setting up your Tips
Setting up your Membership
Updated on: 29/10/2024
Thank you!