Podcast Analytics with Captivate - Overview
Podcast analytics can be confusing. Captivate has been designed to give you the most powerful, advanced insights into your download numbers and more, all presented in a simple, easy to understand manner.
To access your podcast analytics, simply click Analytics in the left hand navigation menu of your Captivate dashboard.
If you prefer video, here's a quick, 2-minute breakdown of the Captivate analytics dashboard:
The Captivate analytics dashboard is broken down into easy to use and simple to understand tabs:
The Summary dashboard includes five sub-sections:

Unique Listeners
While many podcast hosts focus on the amount of downloads your podcast has, Captivate goes one step further and offers data on Unique Listeners.
Unique Listeners data looks at a listener from the same IP address, and the same listening device (app, web player, etc), during the date range you have selected for your report.
We only count unique listeners once in that date range, even if they listen to an episode multiple times. So, if someone listened to an episode 15 times in a single date range, we'd only count that listen once.
This ensures 100% accurate stats, based on the industry standard guidelines set out by the IAB Tech Lab 👍
Downloads Overview
Your downloads overview gives you a quick snapshot of the most useful download statistics that you need at a glance for the show that you're managing:
Downloads today.
Downloads yesterday.
Downloads over the last rolling 7-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 28-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 90-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
All-time downloads.
Download Averages
Often, you'll want to know the average downloads that your show receives across certain timeframes.
This section shows you the average number of downloads that your podcast receives over the following periods:
Each day.
Each week.
Each 28-day period.
Each 90-day period.
Today's Trending Episodes
Often, you might see a spike in downloads when you log into your Analytics
dashboard, and you're not quite sure where that spike came from. With Trending Episodes, you can find out exactly how that spike happened!
Whether it's because you've released a new episode that covers a topic everyone is talking about, or an evergreen episode has gained a new audience, you can easily view your data to identify those trends.
Month to Month
It's easy (and really fun) to obsess over details when looking at your podcast stats. But what about zooming out to see the bigger picture? Wouldn't it be so good to look back and see the results of your hard podcasting month by month?
You can now see how much your podcast has developed over the past year with the Month to Month view!
This feature shows your podcast's total downloads for all episodes month by month, allowing you to see a top-level view of your listeners' behaviour over the past year. You can also see how your current month is trending, as well as as well as how your podcast has grown Year on Year when comparing the current month to the previous year.
The current month is highlighted in blue, with the downloads so far in blue text above the chart, making it super easy to identify and separate from the previous 12 months.

Here, you can easily identify spikes, troughs and trends and use them to kickstart deeper insights into your listeners' behaviour, top-performing episodes and marketing activity.
The Listener Behaviour dashboard includes three sub-sections:

Daily Trends
The number of downloads across the selected date range. These can be filtered by episode and also date range.
How They Listen
The devices/apps that your listeners used to download your content within the selected date range.
Where They Listen
Where in the world your downloads came from during the selected date range. You can dig even deeper into the locations of your downloads by clicking on the various areas of your world map!
One of the things we all want to know as podcasters is which episodes really stood out, received the most attention and continue to be successful. It can help us plan future episodes, as well as create the kind of content that listeners pick up on.
Well, thanks to Performance Comparison, you can do just that! Simply click the Compare Episodes dropdown box on the right hand side, and choose the episodes you wish to compare.
This information can help guide your own show's format and what types of episodes to create, to really help you grow your podcast.

Just like Listener Behaviour, the Episode Overview allows you to choose a date range and analyze the number of downloads per episode within that date range.

Listen Page Analytics
If you use our *Single Promotion Link* to offer listeners a choice on which app to follow your podcast on, you can see which apps are the most popular with our Listen Page Analytics.
Impressions: how many visits your page had.
Unique Impressions: how many new visitors you had.
Unique/total percentage: how much of your traffic was unique visitors.
Listen Link Tracking
As well as out Listen Page Analytics, you can also see which apps were clicked the most, with our Listen Link Tracking.
Podcast app
Total clicks for that app
Recommended Reading
Individual Episodes Analytics Dashboard
To access your podcast analytics, simply click Analytics in the left hand navigation menu of your Captivate dashboard.
If you prefer video, here's a quick, 2-minute breakdown of the Captivate analytics dashboard:
The Captivate analytics dashboard is broken down into easy to use and simple to understand tabs:
Listener Behaviour
Performance Comparison
Episode Overview
Promotional Links Analytic
The Summary dashboard includes five sub-sections:

Unique Listeners
While many podcast hosts focus on the amount of downloads your podcast has, Captivate goes one step further and offers data on Unique Listeners.
Unique Listeners data looks at a listener from the same IP address, and the same listening device (app, web player, etc), during the date range you have selected for your report.
We only count unique listeners once in that date range, even if they listen to an episode multiple times. So, if someone listened to an episode 15 times in a single date range, we'd only count that listen once.
This ensures 100% accurate stats, based on the industry standard guidelines set out by the IAB Tech Lab 👍
Downloads Overview
Your downloads overview gives you a quick snapshot of the most useful download statistics that you need at a glance for the show that you're managing:
Downloads today.
Downloads yesterday.
Downloads over the last rolling 7-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 28-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
Downloads over the last 90-day period (will display percentage change over the previous period, too).
All-time downloads.
Download Averages
Often, you'll want to know the average downloads that your show receives across certain timeframes.
This section shows you the average number of downloads that your podcast receives over the following periods:
Each day.
Each week.
Each 28-day period.
Each 90-day period.
Today's Trending Episodes
Often, you might see a spike in downloads when you log into your Analytics
dashboard, and you're not quite sure where that spike came from. With Trending Episodes, you can find out exactly how that spike happened!
Whether it's because you've released a new episode that covers a topic everyone is talking about, or an evergreen episode has gained a new audience, you can easily view your data to identify those trends.
Month to Month
It's easy (and really fun) to obsess over details when looking at your podcast stats. But what about zooming out to see the bigger picture? Wouldn't it be so good to look back and see the results of your hard podcasting month by month?
You can now see how much your podcast has developed over the past year with the Month to Month view!
This feature shows your podcast's total downloads for all episodes month by month, allowing you to see a top-level view of your listeners' behaviour over the past year. You can also see how your current month is trending, as well as as well as how your podcast has grown Year on Year when comparing the current month to the previous year.
The current month is highlighted in blue, with the downloads so far in blue text above the chart, making it super easy to identify and separate from the previous 12 months.

Here, you can easily identify spikes, troughs and trends and use them to kickstart deeper insights into your listeners' behaviour, top-performing episodes and marketing activity.
Listener Behaviour
The Listener Behaviour dashboard includes three sub-sections:

Daily Trends
The number of downloads across the selected date range. These can be filtered by episode and also date range.
How They Listen
The devices/apps that your listeners used to download your content within the selected date range.
Where They Listen
Where in the world your downloads came from during the selected date range. You can dig even deeper into the locations of your downloads by clicking on the various areas of your world map!
Performance Comparison
One of the things we all want to know as podcasters is which episodes really stood out, received the most attention and continue to be successful. It can help us plan future episodes, as well as create the kind of content that listeners pick up on.
Well, thanks to Performance Comparison, you can do just that! Simply click the Compare Episodes dropdown box on the right hand side, and choose the episodes you wish to compare.
This information can help guide your own show's format and what types of episodes to create, to really help you grow your podcast.

Episode Overview
Just like Listener Behaviour, the Episode Overview allows you to choose a date range and analyze the number of downloads per episode within that date range.

Promotional Link Analytics

Listen Page Analytics
If you use our *Single Promotion Link* to offer listeners a choice on which app to follow your podcast on, you can see which apps are the most popular with our Listen Page Analytics.
Impressions: how many visits your page had.
Unique Impressions: how many new visitors you had.
Unique/total percentage: how much of your traffic was unique visitors.
Listen Link Tracking
As well as out Listen Page Analytics, you can also see which apps were clicked the most, with our Listen Link Tracking.
Podcast app
Total clicks for that app
Recommended Reading
Individual Episodes Analytics Dashboard
Updated on: 29/10/2024
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